Office of Outreach and Involvement

UW Bookstore Board of Trustees

UW Bookstore Board of Trustees Application

The University Book Store is an independent business corporation founded by U.W. students to serve and benefit University of Washington students, faculty and staff. In addition to being one of the oldest and largest of the college stores in the U.S., it is among the very few whose management is overseen by a student, faculty and staff board.

The Book Store operates according to the provisions of a Trust Agreement adopted in 1964 by the U.W. Board of Regents, the A.S.U.W. Board of Directors and the University Book Store Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is comprised of five U.W. students, four faculty members, one U.W. administrative officer and the Chief Executive Officer of the University Book Store. Three student trustees are appointed by the A.S.U.W. One student trustee is appointed by the G.P.S.S. The fifth student trustee appointment is determined by either the A.S.U.W. or G.P.S.S. The four faculty trustees and the administrative trustee are appointed by the president of the university. Upon their appointment these eleven individuals serve as trustees and shareholders of the corporation. During an annual meeting each June, the trustees elect themselves directors of the corporation. In their role as directors they become responsible for general oversight of the business affairs of the corporation.

The board of directors generally meet monthly from September through June. These meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:00 p.m. and lasting approximately two hours. Dinner is served before or during the meetings. In addition to the monthly meetings each member of the board is asked to serve on one or more board committees. Committees will meet at various times during the year depending on the business issues under consideration. A board and management retreat is also held on a Saturday on a date to be determined. Generally, board members should expect to spend an average of four to five hours per month on Book Store issues.

While the board is concerned with all aspects of Book Store operations, its primary responsibilities include the strategic direction of the Book Store, the employment, supervision and evaluation of the Store’s chief executive, direction of high level operating and merchandising policies, approval of major capital expenditures, real estate transactions, employee benefit programs, UW student scholarship programs, and UW Customer Rebate distributions. Book Store board members serve without compensation but do receive a generous discount on store purchases. If you have questions or need more information about the operation of the Store or the activities of the board please contact us.

This application closes on June 24th at 11:45pm

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cassie McMaster at