Volunteer Positions
Browse through all of the volunteer opportunities that are currently available and apply! All ASUW volunteer positions (including internships) are unpaid. Internships for the 2024-2025 school year are now open!
To navigate the opportunities, click on the title of the opportunity to learn more about it and access its application.
If you are not able to access an application, make sure you are signed in with your UW email address- applications are often restricted so only UW students with valid emails are able to apply. Instructions on how to do so are here.
This website is updated frequently. If you have any issues with any of the applications, please email the OOI Director at asuwovop@uw.edu. Quick jump:
Sign up for the ASUW Intern & Volunteer Newsletter
Click here to be notified when new opportunities are posted!
Interns are volunteers who work regularly with their respective employee or entity for 3-5 hours a week.
Committee members are volunteers who are appointed by an employee to sit on a committee that has a specific purpose.
Election Administration Committee Interns and Volunteers
The Election Administration Committee (EAC) is one of many entities within ASUW tasked with serving the student body. Each year the EAC revises the Elections Policies & Procedures, hosts elections forums and other events, and recruits candidates for the Board of Directors. As an organization, we strive to ensure equitable administration of ASUW and UW policies and ensure the selection of the slate of candidates that best represent the will of the voters. Apply here!
Intern Deadline: October 11, 2024, at 11:59pm
Volunteers Deadline: February 14, 2025, at 11:59pm
Join the Student Safety Advisory Board!
Are you passionate about creating a safer, more inclusive campus? The Student Safety Advisory Board is being reestablished after the pandemic, and we’re looking for dedicated students to lead safety and crime prevention efforts at UW.
As a member, you’ll plan campus safety initiatives, collaborate with the UW Police Department, and work on impactful projects delegated by the ASUW Board of Directors. We’re seeking two commuter students and three at-large representatives, selected through an open and inclusive process.
Applications close February 5th at 11:59 PM. For questions, contact Maya Lukalapu, Director of Campus Partnerships, at asuwbdsp@uw.edu. Don’t miss this chance to make a difference!
Check back for more opportunities soon!